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Married to KRAMPUS
My Holiday Tails

Illustrated Chapters
on Patreon:

My husband has horns, hooves, fur, and a tail.
His Krampus-like appearance didn’t scare me from marrying him. Forever an optimist, I eagerly agreed to be the first bride shipped under the new liaison program to Voran, a country on the newly-discovered planet Neron. The Colonel also has two little boys, which was a huge plus for me as I adore children.

My down-to-earth sister has always said I live with my head in the clouds. And maybe I naively hoped for an out-of-this-world romance.

What I did not expect was an out-of-this-world brute. The scowling, growling, rough-around-the-edges Colonel proves hard to live with and impossible to love. He is also proud and possessive, and is dead set to keep me as his wife.

Did I mention he has horns? Well, he is also horny… And our expectations of marriage don’t exactly align.

There is something behind his scowl, though, that intrigues me about this infuriating man. Catching glimpses of his strong, fur-covered body makes my stomach flutter with odd excitement.

I came to Voran in hope of finding my place in its culture and in the Colonel’s heart.
Could there be a way to make this thing between us work?

All books in My Holiday Tails series are stand-alone, loosely connected by the same world and the fact that all heroes have tails.
This series can be read in any order.

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Married to Krampus-CH14
Married to Krampus-Chapter 9
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